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Experience cozy comfort at home, just steps away from adventure at Cox Science Center and Aquarium.

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What Our Guests Have To Say

Don't take our word for it - trust the 905 reviews from our guests.

Erin Everson
Lovely house and neighborhood We stayed here for a quick trip after Christmas and everything was lovely. The house is in a wonderful neighborhood which made getting around to shopping/beach/restaurants easy. The house is stocked with everything you need and the host was wonderful and very responsive.

Erin Everson


Jan 2025

About Us

Discover the ultimate in luxury accommodations at Hotel Home Stays, presenting 29 impeccable properties scattered across the prominent neighborhoods of Southside, Paradise Valley, and Central Park. Our collection includes everything from an Entire Villa to an Entire Condo, each exuding its unique charm, character, and elegance. Whether you're venturing into West Palm Beach, exploring the beauty of Paradise Valley, or catching the vibrant vibes of Palm Beach, our properties serve as the ideal gateway to a memorable stay. With amenities like free on-premise parking, dedicated workspace, a fully stocked kitchen, and provisions for the little ones like a high chair, travel crib, or a bathtub. Each property is set up for ultimate comfort, right down to the last detail. Imagine enjoying a cup of coffee by a heated pool, challenging friends to a round of games, or simply basking in awe-inspiring views. Nearby POIs like The Square, Palm Beach Zoo, or the Cox Science Center and Aquarium ensure you're never far from the action. From The Sapphire Villa's luxury five bedrooms to The Stunning Beach Paradise's pool, hot tub, and game room, every home caters to creating unforgettable experiences. Welcome to The Hotel Home Stays, where every visit feels like a homecoming.

hotelhomestays about us

Other Properties

610 E Bell Road #2551
Phoenix, AZ 85023
18001 N 3rd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85023
7301 West Lake Dr
West Palm Beach, FL 33406

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